What is IET?
Integrated Energy Therapy®, or IET, is an attunement-based energy therapy system. This involves sharing, synchronizing, or integrating energy between individuals to promote healing and well-being.
At Nurture Your Senses, we are proud to offer Integrated Energy Therapy® as both a relaxing session for those looking to rebalance their energetic body and holistic self, and a learning experience for those interested in advancing their energetic practice and understanding.
If you are ready to enhance your energetic journey, read below for more information on our Integrated Energy Therapy® certificate training!
Each level of our IET® training system contains an energy attunement that works directly with the 12-Strand DNA to expand, realign, and restructure one or more pairs. Each IET attunement builds progressively with the others to ultimately bring all six pairs of DNA into their full power. IET attunements can only be done by a certified IET Master-Instructor and must be done in person (they cannot be done remotely).
Basic Level
Basic Level works at the 1st (physical) and 2nd (emotional) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical and emotional energy blockages from the cellular memory and leave in their place positive physical and emotional energy imprints.
Prerequisites: This is our entry-level class and there are no prerequisites required for attendance at this class.
Description: Even though we call this class “basic level” this class provides you with everything you need to do a powerful Integrated Energy Therapy® session on yourself or on another person (either in person or absentee).
Basic Attunement: You will receive a special Basic Level “energy attunement” that will permanently open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic level ray. Our Basic Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 1st pair (physical) and 2nd pair (emotional) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Basic Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to clear cellular memory of physical and emotional blockages.
*The Basic Level certificate is given upon completion.
Intermediate Level
Intermediate Level works at the 3rd (mental) and 4th (karmic) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints from the human energy field and leave in their place positive energy imprints.
Prerequisites: Completion of the Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level class is required for attendance at this class.
Description: This class is the next step in our Integrated Energy Therapy training system, and it builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in our Basic Level training. Our Intermediate Level training expands upon both the depth and the breadth of the Basic Level techniques through the Intermediate Attunement (which opens you to clear mental and karmic imprints) and through the special Integrated Energy Therapy pullout-release technique that lets you clear imprints from the human energy field. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
Intermediate Attunement: You will receive a special Intermediate Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy Intermediate Level ray. Our Intermediate Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 3rd pair (mental) and 4th pair (karmic) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Intermediate Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to pull physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints out of the human energy field.
*The Intermediate Level certificate is given upon completion.
Advanced Level
Advanced level works at the 4th pair (genetic soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to discover their soul’s mission and attract members of their soul’s cluster to help them live their soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive.
Prerequisites: Completion of the Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level class is required for attendance at this class.
Description: This class builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in our Basic and Intermediate Level training. While our Basic and Intermediate Level classes are focused on clearing cellular memory and the human energy field, our Advanced Level training is focused on helping you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
Advanced Attunement: You will receive a special Advanced Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy Advanced Level ray. Our Advanced Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 4th pair (soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Advanced Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive.
*The Advanced Level certificate is given upon completion.
Master Level
If you’re interested in becoming a certified Master Instructor, talk to our Master Teacher on the next steps of advancing your energetic practice.
To register for an upcoming class or to book a serene session, call us at 1 (204) 482-8590!