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Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 Training

This class is open to both Usui and Usui/Holy Fire® Level 1 students, and greatly enhances the practitioner’s abilities. You will receive three powerful healing ceremonies (experiences) guided by the Holy Fire® whilst learning the sacred Usui Reiki symbols and widely increasing your ability to channel Reiki. You will explore how to use these symbols to enhance and empower the Holy Fire Reiki® healing experience, their practical use in daily life, and the deeper meaning behind them.

We will also explore distance healing techniques, how to give professional treatments with confidence, and how to start your own Reiki practice (if you choose to do so). There will be practice time to both administer and receive Reiki energy and exchange feedback with fellow students. Class includes manual and Level 2 Certificate.

Note: $50 non-refundable deposit required upon registration

Promotion: Sign up before February 17th, 2024 to receive $25 off!

February 24

How to Work with Planetary Changes

March 23

Spiritual Learning Q&A