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Holy Fire Reiki Level 3 and 4 Training

The three-day Master Teacher class is open to both Usui and Usui/Holy Fire® Students who have received their Reiki Level 2 training.

In this class, you will receive both the Usui Master Symbol Placement and four Holy Fire® Master Ignitions and Symbols which greatly increases the effectiveness of the sacred Usui Reiki symbols, connecting you even more profoundly to the healing energies of the Holy Fire®. Students will experience 6 Healing Experiences guided by the Holy Fire® providing spiritual nourishment and deep healing on all levels.

At this level, you will learn how to introduce crystals into your Reiki sessions and how to make a Reiki Grid to continuously send Reiki to yourself and others, as well as use it for distance healing, personal healing, goals, and manifesting. Students will also learn the highly effective Holy Fire® Spirit and Attachment Release process.

This is the Master Teacher Class. Upon completion, students (if they feel called to do so) will be able to ignite others to Holy Fire® and teach all levels of Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki both in-person and online. Class includes practice time with the symbols, a manual from the International Centre for Reiki Training, and a Master Teacher Certificate.

Scheduling for the 3 days includes:

  • Saturday, June 1st: 10am until 4pm

  • Saturday, June 8th: 10am until 4pm

  • Sunday, June 9th: 10am until 4pm

Note: $100 non-refundable deposit required upon registration

Promotion: Sign up before May 18th, 2024 to receive $100 off!

May 24

Inner Child Healing

June 15

Introduction to Numerology