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Energetic Clearing and Psychic Protection

Beware of energy vampires… especially around the spooky Halloween season! In this workshop, you will learn various forms of energetic clearing and protection techniques to promote positive vibes.

In this busy world, we come into contact every day with negative energy, psychic attacks, and energetic drainers. Often, do not even know it, but just feel like something seems off! It’s not necessarily as scary as it sounds, but these situations can affect our moods, sleep, well-being, our loved ones, and our home environment.

In this class, we will look at simple ways for you to clear stale and negative energy off of yourself, your loved ones, your belongings, and out of your home. You will learn ways in which to bring in and promote good energy as well as how to protect yourself, family, and space.

All are welcome!

Beginner bundle and recommended reading book available for purchase with class if desired.

October 14

How to Make a Mini Witch Besom Broom

October 28

How to Make a Mini Witch Besom Broom